It’s The Parkland’s Favourite Time Of The Day!
Call in Weekday Mornings at 11:10! 204.638.7878
Email Up To 3 Items Per Week!
LF Lightweight walker, gray with dark gray grips, with 2 wheels and plastic white skis on the back
Can come see Daniel at the Drop In Centre
LF 16’ fishing boat with tiller and trailer, or a 20’ pontoon boot
LF Hunting/wall/prospector tent with metal frame and wood stove
LF Low kms engine for a 2009 to 2012 Dodge 1500 5.7 litre hemi
FS 2015 Arctic Cat Wildcat Sport XT side-by-side, 700cc; located at Parkland Speed & Sport in Dauphin
FS General Electric 1500watt portable heater, variable speeds, with fan
FS XL Dakota winter jacket and two pairs of insulated pants with bibs and bottom zippers, no rips or tears - $35 each of $90 for all 3 pairs
204-672-1056 (Dauphin)
FS (550) large round alfalfa grass hay mix bales, 1450lbs., located in Ste. Rose
Call/text 431-739-5817 (leave a message)
FS Monarch 1/3HP utility pump, model BE-S33, type A - $120 OBO
Text for photos: 204-621-7544 (Dauphin)
LF Tractor tire, size 14.9x38
LF Tractor chains, 18.4-34
LF Old dealership, gas station, general store signs, neon signs, air pumps, gas pumps, thermometers, smaller oil cans etc.
LF Anything with advertising on it: Gas/oil, soda or any other kinds, any shape or size
204-647-1081 (Dauphin area)
FS Petmate large wire dog pen, 3’L x 2’W x 2’H - $40
204-967-2157 (Kelwood)
FS Electric motors ½ to 7HP, Baldor type and others
FS Diesel fuel pump with meter and nozzle - reasonable offers only
FS Ford half-ton truck parts, new and used, everything from bumper to bumper
204-647-6154 (eave a message)
LF Aftermarket 3-point hitch for a tractor
Call/text 306-835-7428
LF 18.4x34 rear tractor tire in decent shape
LF Small battery charger, 2/4/6 amp, doesn’t matter if older, as long as still works
LF Someone who can transport equipment to gigs, lift up to 40lbs., needs to drive
638-0472 (leave a message)
FS Ironing board with a cover - $10
FS Computers, replacements
Call/text 648-6335
FS TaylorMade drivers, King Cobra Hybrid, a set of Wilson irons and more - $150
204-247-0356 - in Dauphin on Saturday
FS 1995 to 2002 Dodge Neon parts; parts only
FS 2014 Dodge Ram 2500, for parts or whole
FS Bathroom vanity, sink and taps, white in colour, perfect for a cabin or smaller house
LF Snowmobile track stand
FS Daniel Steel books, 20 to 30 books - $1 each
FS (4) Bygone Days fashion dolls - $10 each
LF Cat, model 264 skid steer, complete engine or parts or crank shaft
LF Yamaha Inviter, running or not
LF Tanaka ice auger
LF Water trough with wood burning heater
LF Windshield wipers for a 2004 Dodge Ram 1500, the ones outside the hood, not under
Call/text 431-345-0882
- Details
FS - For Sale LF - Looking For GA - Giving Away